Price Related Questions
1.Where do i get Bracharia seeds?
Please contact us on advantagecrops@gmail.com or call us on +254715519922 or +254729152473 to get your quote or direction to a supplier near you.
2.How do i plant Bracharia seeds?
Could be direct seeded in the field or initially sown in the nursery to first raise seedlings. Whether establishing through direct seeding or using seedlings, it is important that the plants are spaced out so as to enable the plants to tiller properly. Depending on the potential of an area, inter row spacing could vary between 30 and 60 cm while spacing from plant to plant within rows could be 25-30 cm. One to two plants per hill should be sufficient for good establishment. Sufficient moisture in the soil at the time of planting in the field or nursery is essential for good germination.
3.How do I sow in nursery
Sow in well prepared nursery beds with soil broken down to a fine tilth. The soil can be mixed with well decomposed manure to increase the overall fertility of the soil for good seedling growth. The seed can be evenly broadcast over the bed then lightly covered with soil using a rake or the twig of a tree. The seed could alternatively be drilled into shallow furrows (placed 1-2 cm deep and the furrows spaced 7.5-10 cm apart) and then lightly covered with soil. Once the seed has been sown, the beds should be lightly covered using dry grass or straw to protect the planted seed from being splashed by irrigation water or rain drops. The nursery bed sown with seed should be kept sufficiently moist through hand watering if there is insufficient rains at the time of planting. The grass straw should be removed as soon as the seedlings begin to emerge (which should be about 5-7 days after planting). Maintain the nursery with sufficient moisture to enable fast growth of the seedlings. The seedlings should be ready for transplanting 4-5 weeks after sowing in the nursery.
4. What Quantity of seeds do I need to plant in the nursery to cover one acre?
Two kilos should be enough to cover one acre. Field establishment using seedlings initially raised in a nursery has better efficiency in seed use.

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